Himaya #PreventChildAbuse Campaign: Report!

Gino Raidy
Gino’s Blog
Published in
1 min readApr 4, 2017



I love Himaya. They do absolutely amazing work for an issue that plagues 1 in 7 children in Lebanon that suffer abuse. The main issue in Lebanon, is that these cases rarely every become known, since it’s “3eb” and people wanna “yestro” themselves…

This is unacceptable. If you know about child abuse, and don’t report it cause you’re worried about bringing shame or hurting someone’s honor, then you are a monster and an evil human being. One that can stay silent when our community’s most vulnerable and innocent are taken advantage of by people who know they probably will not get in trouble for their despicable act.

Himaya released this video for their month-long campaign to #PreventChildAbuse. If you know or suspect abuse, tell Himaya. Do not stay silent on such a horrible crime that plagues so many innocents in Lebanon. Speak up, do what’s right.

